Showcase of international interactive maps
Discover beautiful and functional maps created with the Jawg APIs: Frenzyrun, NewEurope, OceanPads and Roshults.

As we wrap up 2023, the team was excited to look back on all the creative mapping projects that you've created! And with many international clients, your maps have taken us on a cartographic journey around the world. As we kick off the new year, here's a little showcase of these maps, and cheers to countless more mapping adventures in 2024 🥂
Who else has "go for a run X times per week" on their resolutions list? 🙄
If so, you can log all your runs (and walks) with Frenzyrun and see your route on your dashboard. Then compete with other runners to keep yourself accountable 🏃🏻♀️ (or help them feel like it's ok that they're not running either).

Running isn't your thing? Why not try some walking tours instead?
For that, you can head to the NewEurope website and see all the incredible walking tours, day trips and experiences they offer across Europe, the Middle East and the USA. So let's put on those walking shoes 🥾

If your resolution was to move to place with more sunshine, you might consider Miami ☀️
To help you find an apartment or condo there, you can checkout the OceanPads website where you can filter according to your search criteria and locate all the listings that match on their beautiful map!

And to furnish that new beautiful home, why not choose Swedish quality and browse the Röshults collection? Create the outdoor kitchen of your dreams and find the closest point of sale near you, thanks to this retailer locator! 🔎

Looking for a similar integration to one of these maps? You can create an account on Jawg for free, explore the documentation, or contact us.
The Jawg team wishes you a very happy new year 🎉